Thursday, April 20, 2006

An Obituary

Name : The CBox Chat Box a.k.a My Guest Book
Born : Jan 2006
Dead : Apr 2006

This CBox was initially put up on my Blog as a substitute for anonymous comments. I wanted to facilitate my friends ( Most of them don't have Blogger ids to comment ) to express their views.

But, later it turned out to be BIG nuisance with people using pseudonyms to thoughtlessly scribble obscene remarks. It proved to be an embarrassment for quite some time, but later on, I found a way to smoke out those miscreants and coaxed/cajoled them into quitting such games. And the CBox has been used in a productive manner since then.

And after some time it lost its novelty and people stopped writing anything in it. Well, I let it lie that way..maybe inertia, or maybe anticipation of future use.

Recently I discovered that CBox is actually an AdWare. Ads were splashed on the viewers whenever they visited my Blog. Strangely, I never saw any pop-up when I myself opened my blog. Maybe the website matches the IP address of the requestor with the IP address of creator, so that the blog-owner doesn't know abt the Ads. A Clever Scheme !! But the trick was out yesterday and the CBox got wiped off my Blog.

And Now, for the services rendered in the past, a few minutes of silence.


Blogger ప్రదీపు said...

Thats why I too removed it from my blog toooo.

12:01 PM  

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